
Archive for September, 2013


Now that my annual order of motorized coffins and life-sized Zacherley Chia pets have arrived, that can mean only one thing: Halloween is upon us. And like a decrepit, undead friend, we greet the season with much anticipation and large shovels followed axes to the head. This also means, of course, that it’s the 5th Annual Cavalcade of Creepiness at the Catalogue of Curiosities, hosted by yours truly, the Cavalcade Creeper. And don’t forget, as always, this is in conjunction with the month long horror-filled blogathon over at The Countdown to Halloween, a spookfest so amazing, so outrageous, your skin will crawl and your bladder will most likely become completely unreliable.  I will be posting all new illustrations, along with Halloween-themed strangeness over on the Catalogue of Curiosities tumblr site, the latest installments of Halftone Horrors and much more. Be sure to check in all month long as the madness ensues!

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